
Showing posts from October, 2023

The more we value things outside our control, the less control we have.

Quote of the Week 44 " The more we value things outside our control, the less control we have. " ―  Epictetus  ( Discourses and Selected Writings )

Smile and be happy, it could get worse!

2nd Quote of the Week 43 "Smile and be happy, it could get worse!" ― Otto Waalkes „Und aus dem Chaos sprach eine Stimme zu mir: Lächle und sei froh, es könnte schlimmer kommen! Und ich lächelte und war froh - und es kam schlimmer." ―  Otto Waalkes Alternative translation : " Out of the gloom  a voice said unto me “Smile and be happy,  things could be worse.” So I smiled and was happy  and behold  things did get worse. " A seen in the Otto Waalkes exhibition " OTTO - The Exhibition " in the Buchheim Museum in Bernried (Lake Starnberg):

How can I know what I think till I see what I say?

Quote of the Week 43 "How can I know what I think till I see what I say?" ―  E. M. Forster See Quote Investigator for the origin of the quote: T he saying was popularized by both Graham Wallas and E. M. Forster although both disclaimed credit for authorship. ...  In conclusion, in 1926 Graham Wallas attributed the expression to a little girl. In 1927 E. M. Forster attributed the expression to an old lady. Both of them helped to popularize the saying. W. H. Auden also used the saying, but he referred back to Forster. "Wie kann ich wissen, was ich denke, bevor ich höre, was ich sage?" ―  E. M. Forster

Never push twice.

Quote of the Week 42 "Never push twice." ― Alan Bipe A reference to Twenty-One and the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. Source:

Don't hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen: this is the path to peace.

Quote of the Week 41 " Don't hope that events will turn out the way you want, welcome events in whichever way they happen: this is the path to peace. " ―  Epictetus  ( Discourses and Selected Writings ) Triggered once more by a recent Daily Stoic  tweet . — Daily Stoic (@dailystoic) September 25, 2023

They get the facts wrong but often get the feelings right.

Quote of the Week 40 "They get the facts wrong but often get the feelings right." ―  Naomi Klein ( commenting on conspiracy theorists) See also: On with Kara Swisher podcast.