Quote of the Week 15 " Friends should be judged by their acts, not their words. " ― Titus Livius ( Livy ) in Ab urbe condita 34 ,49,7 . " Ex factis, non ex dictis amicos pensent. " " Nach ihren Taten, nicht nach ihren Worten soll man die Freunde wägen. " Related: "I ch hätte sie nach ihren Taten und nicht nach ihren Worten beurteilen sollen. " " I ought to have judged by deeds and not by words. " ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry in " Der Kleine Prinz " // " The Little Prince " "Taten, nicht Worte!" "Acta, non verba. " ― Latin Phrase " Actions speak louder than words. " ― English Proverb