
Showing posts from April, 2024

Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly.

Quote of the Week 18 " Tame birds sing of freedom. Wild birds fly. " ―  John Lennon Triggered by a memorial plaque as seen on the way to Hochries summit.

What you can imagine depends on what you know.

Quote of the Week 17 " What you can imagine depends on what you know. " ―  Daniel Dennett ( ✝ April 19, 2024) Full quote: “What you can imagine depends on what you know. Philosophers who know only philosophy consign themselves to a janitorial role in the great enterprises of exploration that are illuminating the mysteries of our lives.”

Eventually all things fall into place.

Quote of the Week 16 " Eventually all things fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moments, and know everything happens for a reason. " ― Albert Schweitzer Triggered by a German reference to the first sentence of the quote as an Icelandic proverb in the book " Arschtritt ins Glück ": " Þetta Reddast. " "Everything will work out in the end." " Es wird sich alles fügen. "

Friends should be judged by their acts, not their words.

Quote of the Week 15 " Friends should be judged by their acts, not their words. " ― Titus Livius ( Livy ) in  Ab urbe condita 34 ,49,7 . " Ex factis, non ex dictis amicos pensent. " " Nach ihren Taten, nicht nach ihren Worten soll man die Freunde wägen. " Related: "I ch hätte sie nach ihren Taten und nicht nach ihren Worten beurteilen sollen. " " I ought to have judged by deeds and not by words. " ―  Antoine de Saint-Exupéry  in " Der Kleine Prinz " // " The Little Prince " "Taten, nicht Worte!" "Acta, non verba. " ―  Latin Phrase   " Actions speak louder than words. " ―  English Proverb

Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it.

Quote of the Week 14 " Nothing in life is as important as you think it is while you are thinking about it. " ― Daniel Kahneman  ( Thinking Fast and Slow ) Triggered by Cass Sunstein's tweet on the day of Kahneman's death last week (March 27, 2024).