What's not worth doing is not worth doing well.

Quote of the Week 34

"What's not worth doing is not worth doing well."
― Abraham Maslow

Triggered by Scott Barry Kaufman's tweet in the context of the promotion of his book "Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization" on a podcast with Jordan B. Peterson.

Originally stated in Maslow's book "Maslow on Management" (original title: "Eupsychian Management") and later referenced in the book "The Maslow Business Reader" (pg. 17).

The complementary statement to the strive for effectiveness and efficiency to be productive:

"Do the right things and do them right."

Spending time and resources on the wrong thing is just a waste. 

See also:

Source: "Avoid Doing the Wrong things Righter… But, “By What Method?”".


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