You can’t copy your way to the top.

Quote of the Week 24

"You can’t copy your way to the top."
― Steven B. Sample (The Contrarian’s Guide to Leadership)

More counter-intuitive lessons from the book:

  • Never make a decision today that can reasonably be put off to tomorrow.
  • Think gray. Don’t form opinions if you don’t have to.
  • Think free. Move several steps beyond traditional brainstorming.
  • Listen first, talk later. And when you listen, do so artfully.
  • Shoot your own horse. Don’t force others to do your dirty work.
  • The best leaders don’t keep up with the popular media and the trades.
  • Know what hill you are willing to die on—and keep its exact location to yourself.
  • Know the all–important difference between being leader and doing leader.
  • You can’t copy your way to the top.

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