If you expect others to agree with you, why aren’t you trying more often to agree with them?

Quote of the Week 35

"If you expect others to agree with you, why aren’t you trying more often to agree with them?"
― Olivier Sibony

Triggered by Sibony's statement in a McKinsey Quarterly article "Sounding the alarm on system noise" promoting the book "Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment" he co-authored with Daniel Kahnemann and Cass Sunstein.

Olivier Sibony: 
"There is an almost philosophical thing that I would like leaders to think about, which is this: If you expect others to agree with you, why aren’t you trying more often to agree with them? Why do so many people, especially in leadership positions, seem to believe that their role is to express a unique, distinct, even original point of view on what needs to be done and, at the same time, find it troubling when others don’t agree with them?"


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