I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.

Quote of the Week 37

“I'm a pessimist because of intelligence, but an optimist because of will.”

Triggered by the citation of the quote in the WDR 5 podcast Das philosophische Radio, Thea Dorn: Zuversicht bewahren, 2. Sept. 2024.

We need to create sober, patient people, who do not despair in the face of the worst horror and who do not get excited about every little thing. Pessimism of the intellect, optimism of the will.

Man muss nüchterne, geduldige Menschen schaffen, die nicht verzweifeln angesichts der schlimmsten Schrecken und sich nicht an jeder Dummheit begeistern. Pessimismus des Verstandes, Optimismus des Willens.
― Antonio Gramsci, Gefängnishefte, H. 28, §11, 2232


“Optimism is true moral courage.”

See also:

Optimism is just lack of information.
― Heiner Müller  (Quote of the Week 11, 2022)

Alternative view: 

"Pessimism is just lack of hope."


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