It’s not the achievement that counts, but the tale that amounts.

Quote of the Week 2

It’s not the achievement that counts, but the tale that amounts.”

Transposed into English by ChatGPT based on the German wordplay:

Nicht das Erreichte zählt, sondern das Erzählte reicht.”

Which in turn is a twist of the original BMW slogan:

Nicht das Erzählte reicht, sondern das Erreichte zählt.”

See my recent citation on LinkedIn for context.


Alternative translations by ChatGPT:

It's not what you achieve that counts, but what you weave into the tale that amounts.

It's not what you achieve that matters, but the story you leave that flatters.

It’s not what is achieved that’s worth achieving, but what is retold that’s worth believing.

Other translations by X/Grok:

It's not the achievements that count, but the stories that amount.”

Not the deed, but the creed in the tale we feed.

Not what's achieved matters, but what's narrated flatters.

Not the success that's impressed, but the story that's expressed."


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