Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster.

Quote of the Week 39

“Great marketing only makes a bad product fail faster.”
― Attributed to David Ogilvy

Triggered by the use of the quote in the reference for my "Build it and they will come – I don't think soprinciple.

However, I could not find a primary source for the original quote.

A similar quote is attributed to William Bernbach:

A great ad campaign will make a bad product fail faster. It will get more people to know it's bad.”

Interesting as Ogilvy and Bernbach have been described as antipodes and likened to Stones vs. Beatles:

"‘Ogilvy on Advertising’ was the first book I read about the business. It polarised the advertising world. It was a bit like the Stones v Beatles debate. You either followed the wisdom of Bill Bernbach or you followed the wisdom of David Ogilvy. (I follow both)."


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